Friday, September 26, 2008

Growing into and like each other

My parents are a very peaceful couple - at least for the 8 hours when they are sleeping. The rest of the time, well that is a totally different story. When a roommate of mine once told me that her inlaws' place was like a Malayalam award movie, I was stunned!. " You mean they don't talk at all? Even when they pass each other? " Mine don't even need to exist in the same room for an argument. Its also funny how they miss each other so much when they are away. My dad is with us now and mom is back in India... he needs to talk to her on yahoo everyday. I think this is what they mean by growing into each other as you grow older!

Earlier my mom would complain that my dad never takes interest her in family. " You should have seen your dad when I told him about how my sister's daugther-in-law's mom's brother spoke at that function. He dint care! He simply told me not to bother about such things as well. How can I let my folks down like that?" Another constant complaint would be how he never helps her in the kitchen. " Have you seen how your friend Mr. X came back from the US a changed man? He cuts vegetable for his wife , cleans the dishes, even obliges to eat her food! You have made 2 trips and have learnt to do nothing for me.! "

Well, now things are a little different. When my dad asks my mom how her folks are and if they managed to finally settle the last argument between her sister and her brother, my mom goes : " You wont understand all that. Its different. I think its best you don't interfere. "
Yet another time my dad was helping her dry the dishes and put them back in their place . " OH My god!.. what are you doing? what is the hurry to do that? I told you never to come inside the kitchen. Is there no cricket on TV? U should go and read the paper again".

I guess this is what they mean by growing like each other!. It does seem like my parents have become more like each other, and that only makes the equation worse!.

I have also heard married people begin to look like each other when they grow older.
SCARY!. If that is true, I need to stop blogging, start working and save money for my plastic surgery later. Ciao!


Lavanya said...

Finally I got to read your posts..But thattu, I cant agree more on this one. My parents are on the same boat too. I have just given them an ultimatum to not have arguments atleast for the rest of their stay here and it seems to be working so far !Touchwood. Wonder how we all would turn up like. But I know I am already speaking Thalayalam :))

Anjali said...

Hey ..

That is so sweet to hear abt ur folks!I noticed the same thing abt my parents during my last visit too.Mom was 30 min late from work and dad called her like 3 times over the phone!It is almost as though after becoming empty-nesters they have started rediscovering a new dimension to their relationship.It is so heartening to watch them this way.
Anways..nice write up.So how much have u saved so far? :)

Ginda said...

Aw! thats so sweet re. How is ur grandma reacting to this romance at home?:)

Sugavan said...

picture this...
my dad sitting on the mom resting her head on his lap and both in a state of zen...
i've seen this happen and said 'get a room you two!'...

regarding the looking like each other part, i think it arises after you get a child...through the child does one see the 'similarity' between parents...

Ginda said...

Hey Sug

Are ur parents that demonstrative? That's really good for that generation I say.

Looking like each other part.. nothing u say will convince me away from that surgery! Well atleast, srik will be lucky:)