Friday, February 27, 2009

Parenting lesson 101

Now don't ask me where the first 100 lessons are. I believe you can group them all together into " Pazhaya-pondatti kadhaigal" ( Old Wives tales) and I have heard my share of them from ... well u know the old wives:)

Anyways back to our topic in discussion - my daughter has this peculiar habit of biting us when she gets very excited. I think she started this around 15 mos or so when she got a lot of teeth. So just like we blame everything else on teething( baby not sleeping thru' night.. oh its teething.. baby not liking my food.. oh its teething), we did the same for this.
But the pattern proved enough to dismiss our false assumptions. She would only bite when she is excited and the privilege was reserved only for her mom and dad. Sorry folks, you 'll just have to pass on that painful unbearable experience that leaves a not-so-desirable mark!! ( u lucky *%&$*@)

We have been constantly telling her a strong NO when she does that and I usually follow it up with " " No biting Sonali, only kissing". I believe there has been some effect and the biting has reduced a lot ( no kissing instead yet), yet she still does that at times. Yesterday was one such day - she was very excited about something I said or did and I picked her up and hugged her and OUCH OUCH OUCH! on my shoulder. I quickly put her down and raised my voice and said " NO" and told her " No Chinchu for you" ( Chinchu is her term for " lift me up"). I guess this was my first time-out if you may call it that. She stared at me for a second and pouted her lips. Before she could begin to cry, I lifted her up, kissed her , hugged her and said sorry only about a million times. The timeout lasted exactly for 1.5 seconds. I just don't think I am cut out for this!

I need to either learn to be tougher for time-outs to work OR just take one myself and stop acting silly!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Potty Training - Chapter 2

No, I did not get very far with it but thought I'll blog my failed attempts , so I'll remember them later

The potty is still sitting in our bathroom, but now my daughter uses it.. Yay!. How?
Everytime I use my potty, she likes to sit on it ( with clothes AND diaper on) and DO NOTHING. When I am done, she is also done and hurries out of the restroom before me and wants to close the door behind her. A few times I have seen the door shut on my face! Dont like the training this early on I'd say:)

Her constant answer to the question: " Do you want to go in the potty" is a resounding "NO".

Oh I hear the daycare does a good job of potty training.. Really ? Tell me its true for that seems to be my first, last and only hope.

Good luck to me!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good mommy?

My daughter is 19 mos old now so I am kind of expected to be an expertise in baby raising for the first 19 mos, and everything that has to do with it!. I, unfortunately don't think I live up to those expected standards.

A lot of my friends are pregnant and they want to know many many things and I understand that since I have been there. Totally. I would not hesitate to ask a stranger at my daughter's future daycare if they liked size1 or size 2 diapers!

But when the very same questions are posed to me, I go blank.
" Did you use preemie diapers or the regular ones from day one?"
----hmm, maybe preemie, wait.. maybe size 1. just try one of both

" Do you remember the day your baby had her first solids?"
----I think i can get that from our camera. I have a pic.. it was around 4-5 mos!....

" what did you give her?"
----the usual

"hmm like what?"
---- I think its best to go with ur Doc's advice.

" How was her poop for the first few days? How much would she go?"
----not sure, but certainly ask my husband -bet he took some measurements:)

" What was her first word, when did she start recognizing you? when did she blink her eyelid? when did she first smile......"
----I wasn't blogging back then, so I really DON'T KNOW!

These are the times I feel the need to assert myself. As far as I have heard, mommies remember every little detail ( even the poopy ones), but the fact is I don't!. The surprising fact is also that I do not mind it at all. I really don't think I need to remember every little fact to be a good mommy. I I love my daughter and she knows that and I'll be there for her always!. Phew! Felt good to re-affirm that:)

Having said that, I also admire moms who do remember all that. It shows their attention to detail and their memory power... but not necessarily their power of affection over moms like me.
My friend A asked me a question last week( I can't even remember the question now:)) but needless to say I dint know the answer. She was really sweet and said : " Don't worry, you don't need to remember everything". Thank her for that rule!

The next time someone asks me and I know what to say, I am going to challenge them to get an answer from my husband!. Then they'll see how cognizant I am.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Mom, I have a Val-day party!

I thought I would hear these words from my little girl when she would be not-so-little... around 28 maybe?. OK. how about 25? Oh well I give up... 24 it is!
Anyways, the point is , I really did not have to wait that long. Her daycare announced a Valentine's day party. Yes you read it right. Her class, which consist of about 9 midgets less than 2 ft tall are already hopping on the commercial brand wagon of Val day!.

I had 2 choices
- I could ignore the invite and act like my daughter wouldn't care less, so not make a big deal of it.
- I could give in, send snacks , send cards and let her know in a very weird and indirect way that I am a part of her party!

I chose the sensible thing.

I sent a cheese tray, dressed her up in red, signed cards for a card-exchange and some chocolates for the teachers? Wait , was that not the sensible choice? please don't tell me so.

My daughter will have proof of this day and can you imagine what a strong weapon that is, if I protest to her parties later? This trend apparently does not stop with her oh-so-innocent toddler class. My friends tell me as they grow older, they have parties at school where they can bring their dad and dance with him. ( Ok, this one I need a recording of, for my own selfish reasons.. am totally laughing my ass off just thinking about it:))!

What next? They'd find you a good match to go out with? Well if that happens, I am sure I will find myself sitting and blogging about this again, but really doing nothing about it:(

I sure hope my husband has a plan in mind.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Do men Cry?

I believe they do, especially the handsome ones:)
Roger Federer is testament to this fact. For those who dint watch it, make sure you catch it on youtube or whereever.

For those of you who dont know what I am talking about - Roger Federer lost to Nadal in a 5 set match on the Australian court. Fed lost his first chance at taking his 14th grandslam. During the trophy speech, Fed lost it , got emotional and had to take a break!.

Felt really sorry for him, but nadal totally deserved it. He earned it. I only watched the replay and the final sets of that but that was enough to tell me what a good player nadal is.

It almost seemed like Nadal was crying after the match.. at least his facial expressions dint show the exuberance of a winner that day. My husband's theory is that he was trying to suppress his excitement , as a polite consideration for his opponent. I just think Nadal was too tired and exhausted.

Oh well.... I am still a fan of Fed's game and looks:) So will be cheering for him on the other courts this year. So does this make Fed an underdog now?!

So I am guessing if Rog Fed cried on court, my husband will finally come out of his pseudo belief that men dont cry!... Next weekend i'll see if I can get a federer out of my man:)