Friday, February 13, 2009

Mom, I have a Val-day party!

I thought I would hear these words from my little girl when she would be not-so-little... around 28 maybe?. OK. how about 25? Oh well I give up... 24 it is!
Anyways, the point is , I really did not have to wait that long. Her daycare announced a Valentine's day party. Yes you read it right. Her class, which consist of about 9 midgets less than 2 ft tall are already hopping on the commercial brand wagon of Val day!.

I had 2 choices
- I could ignore the invite and act like my daughter wouldn't care less, so not make a big deal of it.
- I could give in, send snacks , send cards and let her know in a very weird and indirect way that I am a part of her party!

I chose the sensible thing.

I sent a cheese tray, dressed her up in red, signed cards for a card-exchange and some chocolates for the teachers? Wait , was that not the sensible choice? please don't tell me so.

My daughter will have proof of this day and can you imagine what a strong weapon that is, if I protest to her parties later? This trend apparently does not stop with her oh-so-innocent toddler class. My friends tell me as they grow older, they have parties at school where they can bring their dad and dance with him. ( Ok, this one I need a recording of, for my own selfish reasons.. am totally laughing my ass off just thinking about it:))!

What next? They'd find you a good match to go out with? Well if that happens, I am sure I will find myself sitting and blogging about this again, but really doing nothing about it:(

I sure hope my husband has a plan in mind.


Anjali said...

lol abt the cute! I am sure she would have looked like a princess in red though ready to get carried away by her prince charming :)!But yea..I know what u mean by giving in to the trend..this is just a start anyway..I cant wait to hear all abt it when she announces that she wants to go to her first prom dance :)

Ginda said...

Anjali, just thank your stars that u r miles away from me now:)!
First Prom date- mommy had hers at .... ( yett o have one)
Lets see what baby does

Amrutha Ragavan said...

Val-Day party a? good to know the things I'm gonna face in coupla yrs and the choices I need to make! My response? I guess I'll wean in and go with the crowd..