Monday, February 2, 2009

Do men Cry?

I believe they do, especially the handsome ones:)
Roger Federer is testament to this fact. For those who dint watch it, make sure you catch it on youtube or whereever.

For those of you who dont know what I am talking about - Roger Federer lost to Nadal in a 5 set match on the Australian court. Fed lost his first chance at taking his 14th grandslam. During the trophy speech, Fed lost it , got emotional and had to take a break!.

Felt really sorry for him, but nadal totally deserved it. He earned it. I only watched the replay and the final sets of that but that was enough to tell me what a good player nadal is.

It almost seemed like Nadal was crying after the match.. at least his facial expressions dint show the exuberance of a winner that day. My husband's theory is that he was trying to suppress his excitement , as a polite consideration for his opponent. I just think Nadal was too tired and exhausted.

Oh well.... I am still a fan of Fed's game and looks:) So will be cheering for him on the other courts this year. So does this make Fed an underdog now?!

So I am guessing if Rog Fed cried on court, my husband will finally come out of his pseudo belief that men dont cry!... Next weekend i'll see if I can get a federer out of my man:)


Lavanya said...

Agree..Surprised that Fed cried as he usually never shows any emotions. It was a tough game and he could've beaten Sampras record. But, seriously you think he is handsome ??!!??

Ginda said...

U know lave.. I dont think he is handsome but there is something attractive abotu that man. Maybe his charisma, composure, attitude.. whatever. Something stands out

Preetha Appan said...

I actually thought it was not at all professional of Federer. Clearly Rafa was the better player and he deserved the win. This tear episode seemed to take the focus away from his well deserved victory. Think of all the players that Federer defeated to get here.. Did they all do a "boo-hoo" when they lost?

Ginda said...

Preetha, if you are one of the top players and totally consistent in your play, I am sure you'd feel that.
This is not the first match fed has lost , but this is the only time he has shown an emotion. That should tell you that its real and how much this meant to him.

Nadal is a good player, but never a consistent one.

and to ur pt.. anyone can be boo-hhoo and get emotional if they want to.. who's stopping them?

Amrutha Ragavan said...

I think it was just too overwhelming for Roger. At first, he had disbelief on his face. I think the gravity of what just transpired finally fell on his shoulders at the trophies ceremony. It is quite humanly of him to break down and cry!If anything, it made Nadal look even more stronger..breaking Rog God himself!

Preetha@Indeed said...

No one here is talking about how good a sport Nadal was. He could have jumped and smiled and rubbed his victory in his opponent's face, but instead he said "sorry for today..". He was apologizing for winning and denying Federer his record! That shows a humility and empathy on his part. Did Federer say "Sorry" to Pete Sampras when he defeated him? (I think it as 2001 Wimbledon and Sampras was looking for his 100th wimbledon win).

Ginda said...

If pete sampras did what fed did, u bet Fed would have done it.
Not at all unprofessional in my opinion.
U actually expect ppl not to display strongly felt emotions?

I agree with ammu that it infact did make nadal look great..
Federer infact went and spoke and said specificaly that he did not want to have the last word because Nadal deserved it.

So dont think anyone snatched away anyone else's moment there.

and if Nadal said sorry himself, why does that make Fed a bad man? dont get it

Sugavan said...

The fans of federer are known as Fed-freaks. We think he is the epitome of life. One who is perfect, one who does a ballet on the court and during win and defeat has the same smile. To belittle him here is blasphemy. He is the best and will remain so. He needs a coach. Thats all there is to it, a coach...and he'll be on his way to 20 GSs.

Preetha@Indeed said...

Well said - You are freaks!

@Peeps - If pete sampras did what fed did, u bet Fed would have done it. I don't understand what you meant to say?

Rafa was being very nice to say sorry for winning, and Federer hadn't apologized for defeating Sampras (100th win) which is the point I was making.

I do like them both, I'm just saying if Federer had just been a good sport about it I would have respected him more.

Don't kill me, you Federer groupies :)