Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mixed emotions?

My 14 month old is now going to transition to the next toddler class at her daycare. When she started daycare around 10 mos, I was so upset every morning after leaving her, since she would cry her heart out as I gave her to the teachers. It tore me apart and some days left me feeling so guilty that I thought I was going to go to my office and write my resignation letter!

She and I have since then grown and gotten used to the infant teachers and feel comfortable. Now I am again worried about the new transition, on how she would cope, if she would cry again for a whole month , if she would eat- what if a bigger kid throws her down and jumps on her? ( note to self : teach her self-defense soon)... and the list goes on and on.

So you might think it would make me feel good if my daughter dint cry when I dropped her off? Oh how mistaken are you... if she jumps into her teacher's arms and gladly waves a bye to me, I probably would be crying more! ... Thoughts of my dear little one not needing mommy anymore would flash in front of me.

Really, I dont know how to deal with this mix of emotions in me:) Oh How i long for the clarity of thought some others possess.!

1 comment:

Anu said...


I think it gets a lot better (or worse) once the child begins to aritculate about her's emotions. I was always racked by guilt until Rupali turned two. Then she would clearly tell me that she hated day care and that I had to take her to office with me! Since then I have had no qualms convincing her that day care is much more preferable than being in office with me - given a choice I would be in day care with her!:)