Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Many updates

Its been a long time since I took time to blog. Believe it or not, I have been busy even at work:) yeah yeah it does happen once in a while.

Sonali is into full blown long sentences and can communicate clearly and precisely about what she wants. If we dont understand something, she gives us the "look" and repeats it as many times as needed:) I really wonder what she thinks about us!

Here is a small funny conversation we had the other day
She( pointing to hubby) : mommy its my daddy. Is he your daddy ?
Me: No sonu, he is my husband
She : husband?
Me : yeah. Mommy's husband and your daddy
She : No No, my husband my husband. daddy is my husband!

I had to leave it at that to save further confusion and embarassment:)

Sonali also moved to a new pre-school this week and she is doing GREAT!. We got her excited about her new daycare for a whole month and I think she likes it there. So far so good. Every evening though, she grabs all her things - Blanket, pillow and change of clothes. For some reason, she does not want to leave them behind.

We have planned our first real vacation with sonali. FINALLY, we booked everything and it is for real. ( So far we have been talking about it for 2 yrs)! September, disney, here we come. How do I prepare her for the big giants of mickey and minnie??

Oh she loves to sing! Wants to sing all the time, so time to enroll her in music classes?? maybe too soon I think.

More updates to follow.


Preetha Appan said...

So cute! I remember a similar dialog with my mom when I was 5/6 years old. Sonu is so precocious!

Srivalli said...

hahah..I guess this happens with all kids...:) you arent alone!